Well, here it is. The moment of reckoning. Let's see if I can get everything done before tomorrow morning at Oh-Godly-Early when my kids get up. Wish me luck! Until then, Merry Christmas (and Happy Festivus--the Holiday for the Rest Of Us!) from mine to yours!
A Many Million Thanks to Sharon Hoyt for our wonderful holiday photos. : )
Yes, it's true. I have a fake Christmas tree this year. Something about the pre-lit/no gator-wrestling the lights/fits in my Prius/won't find pine needles in my house in June/goes in a box when I'm done with it idea appealed to me. The kids helped decorate, so there are lots of ornaments on the bottom, and it's the craziest mix of their tastes and mine. I think it turned out pretty well.
It's an intriguing thing, my iTunes library. I've been scouring it for songs I can use for slide shows, particularly weddings & engagements. A friend of mine a while back turned me on to Death Cab for Cutie, and these last couple weeks I've been stuck on I Will Follow You Into the Darkfrom Plans. It seems an odd title for a love song, but the premise is True Love....on the scale of The Princess Bride (for anyone who hasn't seen the movie, it's a must: fencing, fighting, revenge, true love...all with Cary Elwes, Robin Wright & Mandy Patinkin, and directed by Rob Reiner). And True Love gets me every time.
I am a study in paradox: I am silly & serious, open-minded & opinionated, easy-going yet perfectionistic, always interesting but sometimes bored. I prefer books to TV, but I'm hooked on Dexter and Saving Grace. I love new adventures, and I still crave the comfort of my favorite dish at my favorite restaurant. I am a Chicago girl at heart, and I hold tight to my midwesterner's down-to-earth approachability. I love my kids, my friends & my family, and I love creating photographs that offer fun, fresh perspectives that drip with emotion.